ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware 2017

Las Vegas, Nevada

Dec 11-15, 2017


As with previous Middleware conferences, Middleware 2017 will host a number of high quality workshops! Please refer to the workshop websites below for submission deadlines, topics, and contact information.

All workshops will be held before the main conference on December 11th (Monday) and 12th (Tuesday).
The exact schedule will be updated soon.

Active: International Workshop on Active Middleware on Modern Hardware

  • The objective of the Active workshop is to investigate opportunities in exploiting the crossroad between novel hardware technologies and middleware: active (compute-intensive) technologies such as active memory, active networking, and active storage for accelerating distributed data-intensive workloads, and investigate issues in enabling these capabilities by revisiting the entire middleware stack hosted on cloud.

ARM: Adaptive and Reflective Middleware

  • ARM aims at providing researchers with a leading edge view on the state of the art in reflective and adaptive middleware, and on the challenging problems that remain unsolved.

DIDL: Workshop on Distributed Infrastructures for Deep Learning

  • The DIDL workshop focuses on the tools, frameworks, and algorithms to support executing deep learning algorithms in a distributed environment.

M4IoT: Middleware and Applications for the Internet of Things

  • M4IoT focuses on two fundamental components in IoT ecosystems: the middleware that enables composition of applications, services, and devices; and the applications built on top of such middleware.

MECC: Middleware for Edge Clouds & Cloudlets

  • The MECC workshop aims to address the increasing need for closer integration between the different tiers on modern cloud computing platforms.

SERIAL: ScalablE and Resilient InfrAstructures for distributed Ledgers

  • SERIAL targets to investigate system support to foster resilience and scalability of decentralized infrastructures such as distributed ledger ecosystems but targets resilience support for more traditional Internet-based services.

WoSC: Workshop on Serverless Computing

  • Serverless Computing (Serverless) is emerging as a new and compelling paradigm for the deployment of cloud applications, and is enabled by the recent shift of enterprise application architectures to containers and micro services. This workshop brings together researchers and practitioners to discuss their experiences and thoughts on future directions.